Faith in Marriage

I recently had the honor to appear as a guest on a relationship expert’s podcast speaking on interfaith marriage. After thinking on this topic and appearing on his podcast, I decided to blog about faith in marriage. Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. I choose to put my trust and confidence in God; some choose other religions or spiritual beings. No matter who or what you choose to put your trust in, your faith is what carries you through the good and the bad in life.


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1


There are trials that come in our lives that test our faith; they make us question whether we have made the right decision or if things will work out for us. In those moments, we need to press even harder into our faith. We must remember the trying of our faith produces perseverance/patience. The devil wants us to feel defeated, as if things will not turn around for our good; but the Bible says ALL things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. So, that means, no matter what it may look like we must keep our faith in God and know He will work it out.


Once you are married, you become one; so, whatever impacts your spouse, impacts you. If a spouse is doubting their faith or not walking in faith at all, it does weigh down on the spouse who is following God. Your spouse may come against your faith, but you must hold on to it. Some may say, “I have been trusting God for a change in my marriage but nothing has happened yet or the issues in my marriage are so huge there’s no way there will be a change”. Don’t lose hope! Our God is a God that majors in the impossible and He can do things suddenly; we must trust His plan and His timing.  The devil wants us to give up on our spouse/marriage but we must remember, God is for our marriage and He hates divorce.


Always keep your faith in God, in your spouse and in your marriage. Never let fear or the way things seem or feel discourage you in believing what the Bible says about you, your spouse and your marriage. When we have God in the center of our marriage and go to Him when times are hard, He will guide us through every situation. It may not look the way we want it or the answer we receive may not be the answer we were looking for; but we must always trust God’s plan. We must have our faith so deeply rooted in Him that when situations come up, we immediately go to Him and say ‘ok God, do what only You can do’, step back and watch Him do it. Always remember, everything we face is for His glory and our benefit. Keep the faith and know God has already worked it out!

Be y'all for real!


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