Trusting God During Your Storm

When going through a storm, many emotions develop; some not so easy to overcome. Many people will say, “Your storm is here to make you stronger”; I’m not so sure I’ve felt strong when my storm initially rolled in but I can say, I always seem to come out of the storm feeling stronger. Honestly, I’m the first to say to God, ‘why am I going through this; what did I do to deserve this storm”; but then I realize, there’s always a lesson in a storm. The lesson, God wants to receive the glory in all that you do. The outcome of your storm is determined by how you go through.

Storms can be a range of things: issues in your marriage, sickness, financial issues, out of control kids, problems on your job, etc. Some can come in your life unexpected, with no warning. Others can have little warnings along the way that lead up to a major storm that comes in like a hurricane, knocking out windows, tearing down walls and shaking the foundation; but the key to not letting the foundation to be torn apart or letting your life be destroyed is to be grounded in your relationship with God. The recipe to having a strong foundation/relationship with God is by spending time with Him in His word, praying and real worship.

The good thing about going through a storm is that God always has a plan of escape. He is our safety net and always provides protection and a way out. But we must allow Him to be God in our storm, watch for the warning signs He may send and follow His instructions. Often, we want to complain and ask God to remove us from the storm, when He wants to use us during the storm. God will use a storm to cleanse you out; remove the things that are no longer needed and add what is needed for the next level He wants to take you to. When you allow God to carry you through the storm, do all He need to do in you and your situation; you can receive your healing, deliverance, breakthrough (or any other thing you need) immediately when You trust Him and receive it.

What I love most about a storm is how it deepens my relationship and faith in God. I always come out with more insight into Who God is. Do I like going through storms? No! But when I can come out stronger, wiser (and best of all) not looking like what I’ve been through; then it gives me the confidence in knowing I can go through any storm because I know the outcome, I win because He already won! Trust God with everything you go through. Go to Him and ask, “what is it that You want me to learn in this” and follow His lead. You can get through any storm with Him.

Be blessed…love y’all for real!


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