When it Seems as if God Isn’t Answering Your Prayers

Let’s face it, there are times when you pray and you don’t see any sign from God. You wonder, God do you hear me? I mean, Your word says ask and we shall receive; but God I don’t see any manifestation of what I asked of You? God, where are You? Do you ever ask God these questions or is it just me? I have learned God doesn’t always answer my prayers the way I would like Him to but He does answer every prayer. I pray and want God to do ABC; but He does what He wants, when He wants and how He wants. I may not always agree but I must remember He knows what’s best for me.

Often when we think God isn’t working on our prayer requests, it’s because we are so focused on our situation that we miss what God is doing. Even the small things are a part of God’s plan for our lives. We tend to pray our problem back to God (as if He doesn’t already know what’s going on) instead of asking God what His solution is to our situation. The focus of the prayer isn’t on God, it’s on the situation and what we think God need to do. But when we take the time to talk to God and ask Him how we should pray, He will give us clear instructions and we won’t be disappointed in thinking God isn’t answering us.

God told us in His word we would go through trials and tribulations, but it’s how we go through them. Therefore, instead of letting our trials get us down, we should immediately go to God and put it back on Him. If He allows it, then He has to have a solution. Our trials come to build our muscle. We should dive into God’s word, find scripture that relates to the situation we are dealing with and pray God’s word back to Him. This shifts the focus off our situation back to God. We learn more about God when we study His word and deepen our relationship with Him. God should receive the glory in every aspect of our lives.

Once we get to the point where we have developed our faith and not allow our problems to overwhelm us, we will be better prepared the next time we have an attack from the enemy. Each trial develops something in us that causes us to grow and mature more in God. This is how God receives the glory in our situation, through our dependence and maturity in Him.

So, instead of us wondering if God hears us or where He is; we should stop and make sure we are praying His will and word back to Him. He may have us in a waiting period so He can develop more in us, before He takes us to the next level. Remember, God knows all about you and He hears your prayers. His word says He knows the number of hairs on our head, so we can rest, knowing He is taking care of it all and working it all out for our good!

Be blessed…love y’all for real!


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